All About Cataract Surgery

You've heard about cataracts and cataract surgery, but do you know what it is and how it works? If you or someone you know is considering cataract surgery, understanding the process can help ease your mind. Here's a breakdown of what happens before, during, and after cataract surgery

Before Surgery

Before a doctor performs cataract surgery, they will need to evaluate the eye health of the patient. This means checking for any disease that may cause further issues during or after the procedure. It's also important for them to measure the eye for proper lens selection. The doctor will use this information to determine if cataract surgery is needed and which type of lens replacement would be best for the patient.

During Surgery

When it comes time for cataract surgery, local anaesthesia is used to numb the area around the eye so that no pain is felt during the procedure. Once the anaesthetic has been administered, a tiny incision is made in the eye to open up access to remove the clouded lens. A device called an ocular ultrasound probe then breaks up and removes the cloudy lens from inside the eye using sound waves. Afterwards, a new artificial intraocular lens (IOL) is placed inside the eye as a replacement. The IOL helps light focus onto your retina properly so that your vision can improve with clarity after recovery.

After Surgery

Once your eyes have been operated on, there may be some redness in your eyes as well as light sensitivity due to inflammation from physical manipulation of your eyes or due to chemicals used during surgery like antibiotics or anti-inflammatories, which are very common treatments prescribed post-surgery. You may experience post-operative symptoms such as blurred vision or double vision in one or both eyes for some time following surgery. However, these should gradually decrease over time with proper rest and care from your doctor's instructions. Also, keep in mind that most medical insurance should cover some part or all of the cost of cataract surgeries since they are usually considered medically necessary procedures.


Cataract surgery is a fairly simple procedure that can drastically improve vision clarity when done correctly by an experienced physician who specialises in this field. Understanding what happens before, during, and after can help set expectations accordingly while giving patients peace of mind knowing what will happen throughout each step of this process. So don't hesitate to talk to your doctor about cataract surgery today.
